What is TTL (Through The Line)?

Through The Line (TTL) is a marketing strategy that targets a wide audience and adopts a direct approach to raise brand awareness, target specific potential customers and convert them into quantifiable and measurable sales.

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In 1954, Above The Line (ATL) and Below The Line (BTL), the dynamic duo, took the stage first. ATL was all about untargeted advertising such as a TV ad campaign, where the same advertisement runs across the country to people of all demographics.

On the contrary, BTL aimed specifically at a targeted audience of potential customers via billboards/ flyers/ direct emails/ search engine marketing or other similar sources.

And then came TTL as an integrated approach blending the best of both worlds: ATL and BTL. It combines the mass-market advertising approach of ATL with targeted, personalized marketing tactics of BTL. TTL covers every aspect of the customer journey, from initial brand awareness to customer retention. Let’s understand TTL with an example.

If a smartphone brand adopts TTL as its marketing strategy it will:

  • Whether through the TV commercial, print ads, in-store promotions, or social media content, adopt a consistent and cohesive messaging strategy. The branding elements and key messages will be the same across all channels.
  • Customers who see the TV commercial will be directed to the brand’s social media pages or website for more information, thereby increasing traffic and sales.
  • Similarly, those who engage with social media content will be prompted to visit the smartphone’s physical store to experience the product firsthand.
  • They might initiate a countrywide YouTube campaign, tailoring various video ads to users based on their location. Additionally, they could include a promotional code offering a discount on purchases made at their nearby store.

Therefore, TTL recognizes that a combination of mass communication and personalized engagement are key to achieving marketing objectives– brand awareness, direct response and conversion.

TTL utilizes high-reaching marketing channels to attract potential customers, guiding them towards other channels specifically tailored for conversion.

Here below is an image of DoorDash’s social media ad post with a coupon code. By combining the wide reach of social media advertising (ATL) with the personalized and direct response nature of the coupon code (BTL), DoorDash is using a Through The Line approach.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between ATL, BTL, & TTL Marketing in terms of cost?

Typically, ATL marketing is more expensive owing to high-cost media channels. BTL is more cost-effective as it considers a specific demographic as its audience. TTL marketing cost ranges between the two. It usually has a flexible cost structure that relies on the extent of integration.

How does TTL marketing impact consumer engagement?

TTL marketing ensures a holistic brand experience by combining the ATL marketing awareness and BTL marketing’s deeper engagement. TTL fosters long-term customer loyalty through its deep connections.

What is a real-world example of TTL marketing?

Samsung's product launches that harness the power of TV ads, digital marketing, and in-store personalized experiences.

How can I measure the impact of a TTL campaign?

Since TTL combines ATL and BTL, your measuring options will include those that you adopt for both, such as measuring:

  • Frequency of target audience viewing your ads
  • Reach of your ads
  • Number of impressions
  • Conversion rates from websites/blog/mail campaigns and more
  • CTR from digital ads
  • Landing page/website visits
  • Followers/subscribers on social media profiles

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